Male Stripper Reveals His Lovemaking Secrets

Imagine a room of 300 hypersexual women screaming & cheering for a guy taking his clothes off.

We know one thing for sure that joe is getting laid at the end of the nightperhaps doubly.

Manly stripper reveals his secrets to pleasing a woman

smooth talkerMyex-stripper friend, Eric von Sydow, claims to have slept with over 1000 women.
( I do n’t indeed vacillate to believe this claim. At 44 years old, he lives with 3 women in San Diego and they ’re all gorgeous.)

As you’d anticipate, with his profitable stripper career, Eric has discovered “ a thing or two ” about pleasing a woman.
And now he’s eventually revealing his secrets to pleasing a woman right in this tutorial.

Discover the astonishing lovemaking ways of a manly stripper who slept with 1000 women.
don’t want to spoil the videotape. though one methodology I LOVE is the “ Pubic Bone Humming ” methodology.

Eric says when you ’re giving a girl oral pleasure, if you rest your nose on her pubic bone and hum, the atmosphere shoot swells of pleasure deep inside her.( Cool, right?)
And “ talking ” a woman to big– O without indeed touching her? That’s badass.

There are so numerous methods in this videotape— ones that nearly no joe on the earth knows, so this ’ll give a huge edge over other guys.
You ’ll really love this tutorial, go check it out then

Discover how to talk a woman to big-O without indeed touching her( and further)